It's Turkey Season

Football is over, the ice, if you had any is starting to melt, for some of us, we are already mowing grass. As the deep thaw of Winter begins to recede, that means that turkey season is right around the corner.
Perhaps one of the hardest game species to hunt, Spring Turkey season is one of our favorite activities. To be successful, consider the following.
- Learn about turkey behavior: Understanding turkey behavior is essential to successfully hunting them. Learn about their breeding habits, feeding habits, and daily routines. This knowledge will help you to predict where and when the turkeys will be.
- Scout for turkeys: Scouting is crucial to success in turkey hunting. Look for signs of turkeys such as droppings, feathers, and tracks. Listen for gobbling in the early morning and evening hours. This will help you to identify where the turkeys are located.
- Use the right equipment: Choose the right shotgun, ammunition, and turkey calls. The shotgun should have a tight pattern at a distance of 30-40 yards. The ammunition should be specifically designed for turkey hunting. Turkey calls such as box calls, slate calls, and mouth calls can be effective in attracting turkeys.
- Practice your calling: Practice your turkey calls before the season starts. This will help you to sound like a real turkey and attract them to your location. Also, don't overcall. Many beginners call too often. Its a balance between too much and too little.
- Be patient: Turkey hunting requires patience. You may have to wait for hours before a turkey shows up. Be prepared to sit still and remain quiet for long periods.
- Dress appropriately: Wear camouflage clothing that matches the surroundings. The Blackstock Field pattern is great in the spring woods. Our pattern can help you to blend in with the environment and avoid detection.
- Stay still and quiet: Turkeys have excellent eyesight and hearing. Stay still and quiet when you are in the presence of turkeys. Make sure you are well-hidden and do not move or make any sudden movements.
Don't forget to have fun. Slipping into the forest on a spring morning is one of the best activities to fill the outdoor itch until Fall.